Hey there! my name is Gianfranco and I'm breaking into tech with the help of my friends at Codecademy and their Front-End Engineer Career Path!

Simple, clean and tidy. Minimalistic designs built with neat, semmanticaly correct code. That's what's up!

I've learned how to create responsive and interactive websites with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, web applications using React, use Git to track projects progression and GitHub to keep it all safe


  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Jest
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • CLI
  • Chrome DevTools
  • Markdown
  • Loading...

These are some of the projects I've worked on

Note there are several things intentionaly ommited in each of these projects and they're not finished work

Coffee Club Landing Page

Responsive club website

Quick fun project aimed to test my skills on responsive websites design

Go ahead, check it out and make sure to minimize and maximize your window size to view how the page adapts itself

Coffee Club Landing Page

React App - Adopt a Pet

React-App Codecademy's project using React Browser-Router and React Hooks

Projects code preview

Mystery Organism Simulator

This one is definetely the most fun and challenging of all

The program creates objects that simulate organisms with random DNA bases, with the ability to mutate, create a complementary strand, compare its DNA with another organism, evaluate its likeliness to survive based on its DNA base, create samples with specified rules and evaluate which are the most related instances of organisms in the sample.

Responsive website

Media Queries - Landing Page

This one was done with the purpose of trying out media queries

Change your windows size to see hot it adapts to it!

Flex-box design website

Flex box - Landing Page

Trying out my newly aquired flex box skills!

Do you have any comments, suggestions or ideas? hit me up and we'll see what comes out of it!